APRIL 1-3, 2025

Cybersecurity For Industry is the event associated with the InCyber Forum, dedicated to cybersecurity issues in the industrial world. The only one of its kind in Europe, it provides a forum for the exchange and discovery of cybersecurity solutions for industry, as well as secure industrial solutions.
Industrial systems (also known as operational technologies or “OT”) are at the center of our lives. They are used to create the products we consume, the transportation networks we use, and the systems that provide us with energy, drinking water, food, comfort, and protection.
They are involved in the design and manufacture of all our everyday objects and equipment, supporting the development of an increasingly interconnected world. These technologies are ubiquitous, but that doesn’t make them any less vulnerable. There are more and more examples of systems being taken over, tampered with, or destroyed, as well as countless demonstrations of attacks against insufficiently secure systems.
The more connected an object is, the more exposed it is to threats. Whatever the size of the company in question, decision-makers need to assess these risks and put the necessary prevention, detection, and reactivity measures in place.
To reap the benefits of this revolution, every component needs to be secured at the right level, to ensure that our industry operates safely, confidently and resiliently.

Without cybersecurity, the fourth industrial revolution will be a colossus with feet of clay