APRIL 1, 2025 | 4e EDITION

OSINT has become a practice in its own right. From the fight against crime (cyber, physical, financial, etc.) to crypto-currencies, via the security of goods and people in times of armed conflict, OSINT is now used in many fields.
The OSINT Day at the InCyber Forum aims to highlight concrete applications of this practice. It also invites OSINT professionals, enthusiasts, and the curious to come and present their expertise and attend the RETEX presentations on the following subjects:
- Cybercrime
- Anti-terrorism
- Financial crime
- Red Team audits
- Geopolitical tensions
- Fraud
- Crypto-currency scams…
If you’d like to attend this one-day event to learn more about new OSINT and Cyberinvestigation topics, and develop your network, register for the InCyber Forum!

& Cyberinvestigation

9:30 - 9:35
9:35 - 10:00
10:00 - 11:30
11:40 - 12:10
12:10 - 12:40
12:40 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:15
16:30 - 18:00
18:00 – 18:30
18:30 – 20:00
Opening of the day by Antoine VIOLET SURCOUF
The word of Sébastien BOMBAL, Technical Director, National Directorate of Intelligence and Customs Investigations (DNRED).
Roundtable #1
- Kilian and Flora from the OSINT & AEGE Watch Club
- Hugo BENOIST and Sylvain HAJRI from OSINT FR
- Experts from Project FOX
- Théo PHELIPPE, Digital Investigations Analyst at Forward Global
- Leone HADAVI, OSINT Analyst and Investigator
Conference #1 - ELEPHANTASTIC
Elephantastic, a partner of the OSINT day, will present the capabilities of its tool for investigations.
Conference #2 Predicta Lab
HAPPY OSINT MEAL (registration required)
Roundtable #2
- Steven HARRIS, Cyber Threat Analyst – Protection Group International
- Oriana LABRUYERE, Lawyer & DPO – La Robe Numérique Avocat
- Craig SILVERMAN, Journalist & OSINT Trainer – ProPublica
- Frédéric LENFANT & Matthieu AMIOT, Forensic & OSINT Analysts
-  Daniel-Florin PITIȘ, Partner – Security Patch
Conference #3 - Micah Hoffman (Webreacher)
Micah Hoffman (Webreacher), the founder of OSINT CURIOUS and My OSINT Training, is specially traveling from the United States for the event. He will deliver an exclusive speech on the practical application of OSINT in real-life scenarios.
Conference #4 - TRUSTFULL
TRUSTFULL (formerly FIDO), a partner of the day, will present the capabilities of its digital signal analysis tool to combat fraud, restore trust, etc.
Roundtable #3
- Camille Dole, Private Detective
- Neil Smith, Consultant and Trainer – OSINT UK
- Ritu Gill, OSINT Analyst, government law enforcement agency
- Baptiste Robert, CEO – Predicta Lab
- Dmytro Bilash, Co-founder and CBDO – Osavul
Closing of the day by Lindsay Hundley, Global Threat Disruptions at Meta (Facebook)
APER’OSINT – with the support of Elephantastic, Epieos, BreacHunt…
9:30 - 9:35
9:35 - 10:00
10:00 - 11:30
11:40 - 12:10
12:10 - 12:40
12:40 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:15
16:30 - 18:00
18:00 – 18:30
18:30 – 20:00
Opening of the day by Antoine VIOLET SURCOUF
The word of Sébastien BOMBAL, Technical Director, National Directorate of Intelligence and Customs Investigations (DNRED).
Roundtable #1
- Kilian and Flora from the OSINT & AEGE Watch Club
- Hugo BENOIST and Sylvain HAJRI from OSINT FR
- Experts from Project FOX
- Théo PHELIPPE, Digital Investigations Analyst at Forward Global
- Leone HADAVI, OSINT Analyst and Investigator
Conference #1 - ELEPHANTASTIC
Elephantastic, a partner of the OSINT day, will present the capabilities of its tool for investigations.
Conference #2 Predicta Lab
HAPPY OSINT MEAL (registration required)
Roundtable #2
- Steven HARRIS, Cyber Threat Analyst – Protection Group International
- Oriana LABRUYERE, Lawyer & DPO – La Robe Numérique Avocat
- Craig SILVERMAN, Journalist & OSINT Trainer – ProPublica
- Frédéric LENFANT & Matthieu AMIOT, Forensic & OSINT Analysts
-  Daniel-Florin PITIȘ, Partner – Security Patch
Conference #3 - Micah Hoffman (Webreacher)
Micah Hoffman (Webreacher), the founder of OSINT CURIOUS and My OSINT Training, is specially traveling from the United States for the event. He will deliver an exclusive speech on the practical application of OSINT in real-life scenarios.
Conference #4 - TRUSTFULL
TRUSTFULL (formerly FIDO), a partner of the day, will present the capabilities of its digital signal analysis tool to combat fraud, restore trust, etc.
Roundtable #3
- Camille Dole, Private Detective
- Neil Smith, Consultant and Trainer – OSINT UK
- Ritu Gill, OSINT Analyst, government law enforcement agency
- Baptiste Robert, CEO – Predicta Lab
- Dmytro Bilash, Co-founder and CBDO – Osavul
Closing of the day by Lindsay Hundley, Global Threat Disruptions at Meta (Facebook)
APER’OSINT – with the support of Elephantastic, Epieos, BreacHunt…
Launch of the day
SocialLinks Technical workshop
Round table
Maltego Technical workshop
- Antoine VIOLET-SURCOUF, Forward Global
Mot d’introduction - SBI Officer (State Bureau of Investigation - Ukraine)
"Open Source in investigation during Russian aggression in Ukraine"
- Sylvain Hajri, Epieos CEO, OSINT-FR
"Using OSINT for physical intrusion" - Pierre-Antonin Rousseau, Coordinator of OSINT Club & Watch of AEGE
"Fake mail: how to trace the scammer?" - Alexis Pinon, OSINT Director - Avisa Partners
"OSINT & Crime: method over tools" - Frédéric Lenfant, InteLFe Founder
"Cyber fraud and criminal analysis" - Marc-Antoine Ledieu, Lawyer CISO speaker
"What is the legal framework for OSINT missions?"
- Veronica WILDENBERG, New Sales Manager, Social Links and Toby Jackman, Group Senior Vice President, Managing Director Intelyse
"Harnessing OSINT tools and techniques for asset recovery and next-level due diligence"
At the conference Social Links will discuss the importance of due diligence for navigation of risks and asset recovery in the various areas of an uncertain world. Presented work cases with the usage of Intelyse’s expertise and Social Links software will show how OSINT can be applied for expanding opportunities for financial professionals, data scoping and time reduction to make the investigations more efficient.
"OSINT in companies: use cases"
- François JEANNE-BEYLOT, CEO of Troover InMédiatic, Head of Synfie
- Hortense GRELIER, innovation watch project manager, Seb Group
- Henri de BANIZETTE, economic safety coordinator, Auchan Retail International
Palenath, Malfrats Industries
"How to find red interpol records in less than 15 minutes?"Emmanuel Kessler, Chef d'équipe au centre de lutte contre la cybercriminalité, Europol
"OSINT in cybercrime at Europol"Dieter STROOBANTS, Bants Consulting
"OSINT as a catalyst for actionable intelligence in Ukraine"- Hugo Benoist, BreacHunt CEO
"CTI: Mapping and study of an international group of attackers" - Julien Metayer, ethical Hacker / OPIX founder / OZINT
"What if you were the target of an offensive OSINT?"
- Mathieu GAUCHELER, Subject Matter Expert, Maltego
"A quick analysis of Russia Today websites since the invasion of Ukraine"
After Russia invaded Ukraine, the European Union quickly blocked some websites associated with Russia Today, a Kremlin-funded media outlet. Of course, this was not enough to completely stop the latter's action in Europe. We will analyze the IP addresses belonging to Russia Today's autonomous system and demonstrate that RT is actively circumventing the blocking. We will also take a look at the domains created after the war started and try to understand them in the context of the war.
- Jihad Analytics
"OSINT in the service of global & cyber jihad analysis" - Projet Fox
"OSINT in the analysis of armed conflicts: the case of the Russian military presence in Belarus" - Sébastien MARTIN, Co-founder of Raid Square
"What are the OSINT issues specific to Blockchain technology?" - Emmanuelle WELCH, Private investigator
"Hacking the dating apps" - OSINT Tactical, Founder of Tactical OSINT Academy
"Facial recognition in wartime"