live exercise

Master the art of crisis management: exclusive masterclasses
In turbulent times, decisions taken at the top make all the difference. As a member of an executive committee, learn how to transform a crisis situation into a strategic opportunity.
- Immersion in a crisis cell for real-life scenarios
- Anticipation of worst-case scenarios
- Mapping key stakeholders to act with precision
- Developing effective strategies to stay one step ahead.
- Press conference management to protect and enhance your image
To help you master these challenges, no less than 5 immersive scenarios have been designed by our partners: Alcyconie, DGA France, Be Resilient Group, Cécile Wendling and Crisotech.
Whether you’re a decision-maker, an entrepreneur or a technical expert, these sessions are designed to provide you with concrete, directly applicable tools.
You can register for these sessions when you register for the InCyber Forum.